May 2022


Save the date! Organic Spa Media is presenting the 2022 NYC Experience Wellness & Travel media event on June 17. Join us virtually for a day filled with educational seminars, virtual wellness experiences and amazing giveaways. The content will provide a perfect complement to the knowledge travel advisors are gaining through the Wellness Travel University Gold Course.

For travel advisors in the tri-state area, please RSVP here to attend an in-person after party in New York City sponsored by Tourism Belize.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. The goal is to educate and provide people with tools to support mental wellness. Having good mental health allows us to cope with the normal stresses of life, to feel better both psychologically and physically, to maintain good relationships and to sleep soundly. After the last two years of pandemic living, many people are realizing that stress, isolation and uncertainty have taken a toll on their well-being. As a result, increasing numbers of people are using vacation time to jumpstart mental hygiene habits.

Wellness Travel University will be focusing on this very important subject in its soon-to-be-released new certification course. The tools the course provides will help you deliver the right vacation for stressed-out clients, or for anyone who just desires a little mental health break.

How Travel Affects Mental HealthHow can a getaway impact mental wellness? The WebMD article counts the ways, providing inspiration for travel planners looking to guide clients toward relaxation.

Spas and resorts around the world are branching out far beyond massages to focus on new treatments to destress and restore. Harpers Bazaar offers a concise round-up here.

Do you have clients suffering from sleep deprivation? Organic Spa Magazine’s sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus discusses how spa getaways can transform sleeping habits for the better.

Mental Wellness Tips

SHA Wellness Clinic in Spain is among the most comprehensive facilities for holistic wellness care. For Mental Health Month, we serve up the clinic’s top tips for taking care of your mental health.


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